Annual Wind Distribution
Some post-processing calculations require the annual distribution of hourly mean speeds to be defined. This includes the Annual Energy Yield calculation as well as any calculations that produce weighted lifetime values, for example of fatigue damage or damage equivalent loads.
Click the Wind state icon on the toolbar and select Annual wind distribution. Select either a Weibull or a user-defined distribution. For the Weibull distribution, enter the annual mean wind speed and shape factor. A shape factor of 2 results in a Rayleigh distribution. For the user-defined distribution, enter the cumulative distribution or exceedance table, starting with an exceedance of 1.0 at zero wind speed. For wind speeds above the last point in the table, the exceedance will be assumed to decay in proportion to \(\exp(-v^k)\), where \(v\) is the wind speed and \(k\) is the number entered as the "Exponent for high wind speeds".
Click either Cumulative plot
or Probability plot
to view the
wind speed distribution as defined.
Last updated 24-05-2024