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Wind Dll

The user is able to completely substitute the wind field created by Bladed with their own Dynamic Link Library (DLL). The DLL is asked to return a three dimensional wind velocity vector in global coordinates at any requested time and location in three dimensional global space. The DLL is called every time the wind velocity is requested.

The DLL must implement a single function in a cdecl calling convention (default in C-based languages), with the following name and signature:

int GetWindVelocity(const double time, const double Location[3], double WindVelocity[3])

The arguments are the simulation time, global position \([x,y,z]\) at which wind velocity is requested and the wind velocity \([u,v,w]\). The latter must be set by the DLL. The return value is the error code and should be zero under normal conditions whereas a non-zero value will indicate an error and cause the simulation to end.

The user should enable this functionality during time domain simulation via Project Info using the following code.

WindDllPath ‘C:\\..’ * Path to user-compiled dll

Last updated 30-08-2024