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Multibody Diagrams


Since version 4.0, Bladed uses a Multibody dynamics approach. This approach consists of connecting many independent “bodies” or “components” together to represent the dynamics of a complex system. Each component has one or more of the following properties:

  • Rotational or translational flexibility
  • Rigid rotation and translation
  • Mass and Inertia

Components are connected to one another with “nodes”. Each node has fully defined kinematics at all times. Structural motion is typically outputted at the nodes. The Multibody formulation in Bladed is a tree structure, which means that it has no closed loops. Each component has:

  • One proximal node on the inboard side of the component.
  • Any number of distal nodes on the outboard side of the component.

The mathematical descriptions of the components describe the physical relationships between the proximal and distal nodes of each component.

Multibody components and nodes

Figure 1: A multibody component in Bladed has one proximal and any numbers of distal nodes.



Table 1: Components used in this article
Symbol Description
Multibody ground component symbol Fixes the inertial frame reference for the structure. The only component with no proximal node.
Multibody node symbol Connects different components together. Each node has fully defined kinematics and orientation.
Multibody rigid link component symbol A rigid translation and orientation offset between the component’s proximal node and its distal nodes.
Multibody rigid body component symbol Mass and inertia are defined in relation to a single point (node).
Multibody hinge joint component symbol Single degree of freedom rotational flexibility.
Multibody sliding joint component symbol Single degree of freedom translational flexibility.
Multibody free joint symbol Six degrees of freedom (3 translational and 3 rotational) flexibility.
Multibody gearbox component symbol A single rotational degree of freedom between the mounting and one distal node. The first and second distal nodes (low-speed and high-speed shafts) have kinematics related by a fixed (gear) ratio.
Multibody flexible body component symbol The most complex component is used to represent towers and blades, which is made up of a system of linear finite element beams each with full stiffness and mass definitions. Modal reduction is used to reduce the number of degrees of freedom of the complete component.
Multibody optional component symbol Dashed perimeter indicates that the component may or may not exist dependent on an option in the Bladed user interface. E.g. Low speed shaft torsional flexibility in the power train screen adds the LSS Flexibility hinge component. The colour depends on what type of component is selected.

Applied Loads and Outputs

Table 2: Inputs and outputs
Symbol Description
External force applied to structure An external force applied on the structural system
External moment applied to structure An external torque applied on the structural system
Output kinematics or loads Output kinematics or loads. These can either come from a node, or from a flexibility within a component. In the latter it is the stress or relative kinematics across the flexibility.

Loads can be applied either:

  • Between a component and a node
  • As a stress across a component flexibility, which is defined as an action and equal reaction load on each side of the flexibility

Turbine Diagram

This is the complete model (excluding blades) of a typical turbine configuration with many optional features disabled.

Complete turbine multibody structure

Figure 2: Complete turbine model in a typical configuration (blades not shown).


Blade Diagram

This is a detailed diagram of one blade including the pitch actuator system

Detailed multibody diagram of blade with rotary actuator

Figure 3: A detailed diagram of one blade including the pitch rotary actuator system.



This is a complete diagram of the (geared) drivetrain with all available options. See the subsections below for more detailed diagrams.

Complete diagram of geared drive train

Figure 4: An overview of the drivetrain with all available options.


Low-Speed Shaft Options

1-dof Low-Speed Shaft

Multibody diagram of LSS with torsional flexibility

Figure 5: Basic LSS with torsional flexibility.


3-dof Low-Speed Shaft

Multibody diagram of LSS with torsional and bending flexibilities

Figure 6: Advanced LSS with torsional and bending flexibilities.


Yaw Bearing and Mounting Options

Overview of drive train mounting options

Figure 7: An overview of the drivetrain mounting options including the yaw bearing.


High-Speed Shaft Options

Rigid High-Speed Shaft

Multibody diagram of rigid HSS

Figure 8: Rigid HSS


Flexible High-Speed Shaft

Multibody diagram of HSS with torsional flexibility

Figure 9: HSS with torsional flexibility. The HSS inertia is connected to the node on the right.


Rigid High-Speed Shaft + Slipping Clutch

Multibody diagram of rigid HSS with slipping clutch

Figure 10: Rigid HSS with additional slipping clutch. The HSS inertia is connected to the node on the left.


Flexible High-Speed Shaft + Slipping Clutch

Multibody diagram of HSS with torsional flexibility and slipping clutch

Figure 11: HSS with torsional flexibility and additional slipping clutch. The HSS inertia is connected to the node on the right.


Direct-Drive Drivetrain

In case a direct-drive transmission is selected the high-speed shaft is not modelled. All other drivetrain options remain available. Note that Bladed still includes a "Gearbox" component with a gear ratio of 1.

Multibody diagram of direct drive transmission option

Figure 12: Direct drive transmission does not have a HSS. All other options are available.


Locked-Speed Drivetrain

Multibody diagram of locked speed drive train

Figure 13: The locked speed feature has all drive train options disabled. A yaw bearing can be added if desired.

6DoF Drive Train DLL

In case the 6DoF Drive Train DLL options is selected then the drive train multibody model between the hub and the yaw bearing is extensively modified as shown below.

Multibody diagram for the 6DOF gearbox DLL options

Figure 14: The Multibody diagram for the 6DOF gearbox DLL option.


Last updated 28-08-2024