The Kaimal Model
The autospectral density for the longitudinal component of turbulence, according to the Kaimal model, is:
where \(S_{uu}\) is the auto-spectrum of wind speed variation, n is the frequency of variation, \(\sigma_u\) is the standard deviation of wind speed variation and \(\widetilde{n}_u\) is a non‑dimensional frequency parameter given by:
Here \(L_1 = 2.329 {^x}L_u\) where \({^x}L_u\) is the length scale of longitudinal turbulence, and \(U\) is the mean wind speed as before.
The coherence of the turbulent wind fluctuations at points separated by a distance \(\Delta r\) is defined as:
A three-component Kaimal model is available for compatibility with the IEC standard 61400-1. The scale parameter \(\Lambda_1\) defines the characteristics of the turbulence, through the following relationships:
For the longitudinal component,
where the coherence decay constant \(H = 8.8\) and the coherence scale factor \(L_c = 3.5\Lambda_1\). The standard does not define the coherence for the other two components, so the following expression is used:
A more general formulation for the Kaimal model has also been introduced in which the parameters \({^x}L_u\), \({^x}L_v\), \({^x}L_w\) and \(L_c\) can be specified separately instead of specifying \(\Lambda_1\), and the parameter \(H\) and can also be specified. This can be used for compatibility with the third edition of the IEC standard 61400-1, which gives \(H=12\) and \(L_c=8.1\Lambda_1\).
Last updated 30-08-2024