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The Bladed reporting system enables the user to generate reports describing the wind turbine characteristics and the details of any particular calculation. Calculation results can also be entered into the report in tabular or graphical form. The report is prepared directly in Microsoft Word format. Alternatively, ASCII text format is available as an option if required, but this clearly does not allow the inclusion of graphical output. From the Reports menu on the main toolbar, select the required report format from the following options:

  • ASCII: to save the table as tab-delimited ASCII text.

  • Word: (the default) to save the table in a Microsoft Word document (you must have Microsoft Word installed).

The current format can be saved as the default using the Save item of the Options pull-down menu on the main toolbar.

There are two main ways of generating reports:

  • Project reports: these may contain any currently assigned modules defining the turbine itself, as well as calculation parameters and wind field details if required.

  • Calculation reports: these may include any turbine details which are currently assigned and which are relevant to the calculation, as well as details of the calculation itself and the wind field used if applicable. They may be generated as stand-alone reports, or appended to another report such as a project report.

As well as adding graphs and tables, the reports may also be edited and printed within Bladed.

Project reports

From the Reports menu on the main toolbar, select Write project report. A dialogue box allows a document name to be chosen. If it is an existing document, you may choose to overwrite it or to append to it.

The Report Contents screen then appears. Select the desired report contents by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes. By default, this includes any currently assigned modules defining the turbine itself. Calculation parameters and wind field details may also be added. Click on OK to generate the report.

Calculation reports

Calculation reports can be written for any calculation which has been performed with a defined run name. From the Reports menu on the main toolbar, select Write calculation report. A dialogue box allows a particular run to be chosen.

The Report Contents screen then appears. Select the desired report contents by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes. Select the desired report contents by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes. If desired, change the Destination selector to Other to change the report file name. You may append to an existing report if desired. Click on OK. to generate the report. If an Other destination was selected, a dialogue box appears to allow you to select an appropriate file name.

Adding calculation results to a report

When viewing a graph click the Save button to save the graph to a metafile. Then, or at any later time, go to the Reports menu on the main toolbar and select Append Graph. Dialogue boxes appear, allowing you to select the metafile required and the Word document to which it will be appended. The graph may be inserted fully or as a link. Alternatively, click Copy Metafile on the graph window to copy the graph to the clipboard, and paste it directly into the report.

Graphs cannot be appended to ASCII reports.

To append a table of results rather than a graph, refer to Tabular Output of Results.

Editing and printing reports

An existing report may be edited and printed. From the Reports menu on the main toolbar, select Edit report or Print report.

If Edit report is selected and the report format is set to Word, Microsoft Word will be opened and any desired editing may be carried out. If the report format is ASCII, the Windows Notepad editor will be opened.

Linked Graphs

From the Tools > Preferences menu on the main toolbar, the Insert graphs as links option allows graphics inserted into a Word report using the Reports pull-down menu option to be linked to an external metafile. The Word document will be smaller, but not transportable unless the metafile is moved with it.

LM Uploader

Bladed 4.1 comes with a facility to create a single file of extreme and fatigue loads in the format specified by LM Wind Power. You can launch the uploader from the Tools menu. After entering the data you can save a file which can be uploaded or emailed to LM Wind Power.

Last updated 18-10-2024