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Table of Contents

Allowed Units in Bladed Simulation

The various units that can be defined are written below.

Table 1 - Allowed Units
Allowed values for Units Meaning (strict SI)
1/T \(\bunit{s^{-1}}\) or \(\bunit{Hz}\)
A \(\bunit{rad}\)
A/P \(\bunit{rad/W}\)
A/PT \(\bunit{rad/Ws}\)
A/PTT \(\bunit{rad/Ws^2}\)
A/T \(\bunit{rad/s}\)
A/TT \(\bunit{rad/s^2}\)
F \(\bunit{N}\)
F/L \(\bunit{N/m}\)
F/LL \(\bunit{N/m^2}\)
FL \(\bunit{Nm}\)
FL/A \(\bunit{Nm/rad}\)
FL/L \(\bunit{Nm/m}\)
FLL \(\bunit{Nm^2}\)
FLT/A \(\bunit{Nms/rad}\)
FLTT/AA \(\bunit{Nms^2/rad^2}\)
I \(\bunit{A}\)
L \(\bunit{m}\)
L/T \(\bunit{m/s}\)
L/TT \(\bunit{m/s^2}\)
LLL \(\bunit{m^3}\)
LLL/A \(\bunit{m^3/rad}\)
M \(\bunit{kg}\)
M/L \(\bunit{kg/m}\)
M/LLL \(\bunit{kg/m^3}\)
M/LT \(\bunit{kg/ms}\)
MLL \(\bunit{kgm^2}\)
N Dimensionless
P \(\bunit{W}\)
PT \(\bunit{J}\)
Q \(\bunit{VAr}\)
T \(\bunit{s}\)
V \(\bunit{V}\)
VI \(\bunit{VA}\)

Last updated 21-03-2024