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Table of Contents

Data Channel Selection

This section describes the procedure for selecting calculation results for viewing or post-processing.

Click the channel selection button on either the graph parameters (see 9) screen (for viewing data), or on any of the post-processing screens. Then take the following steps to find the data you require:

  1. Select the disc drive and the directory where the data is to be found using the selection boxes provided.

  2. Select the run name which identifies the calculation results.

  3. Click on the Data group containing the required data. The Variables box below will show the data available in this group. In some situations, it is possible to select a number of data groups simultaneously.

  4. When the correct group has been selected, select the desired variable in the box below. Again in some situations, it is possible to select a number of variables simultaneously.

  5. If appropriate, select the independent variable as described below.

Selecting Independent Variables

Independent variables are shown in the box at the bottom of the channel selection screen. The number of independent variables required depends on the context. For example, a line graph or histogram requires one independent variable (shown as X-Axis), and a 3D graph requires two (shown as X-Axis and Z-Axis). For post-processing, the last independent variable (usually time) is selected by default and is not listed. Where there are more independent variables than required, particular values must be selected for the remaining variables, by clicking on the variable and selecting a value in the box on the right. Double-click on a variable to change whether or not it will be used as an independent variable.

For example, if the independent variables are Distance along blade and Time, you may click on Distance along blade and select the distance required, leaving Time as the X-Axis for the graph. Alternatively, double-click on Time to select a particular value of time, and you can then plot the variable at that time as a function of blade station radius. If you make both variables independent, you will get a 3D graph.

For multiple processing of variables defined at different blade or tower stations, it is possible to select intermediate points between defined stations. The variable will be evaluated at that point by linear interpolation.

Messages and Further Information

The View Messages button displays any warning or error messages generated during the run. In a few cases, some additional information is available by clicking the View Info button.

Deleting Information

Buttons are available on the data channel selector to permanently delete a data group or an entire run.

Last updated 06-08-2024