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Pitch actuator DLL Interface Specification

Users with a licence for the Advanced Pitch actuator interface module may run Bladed simulations with user-defined pitch actuator dynamics contained in a separate file. For dynamic simulation run on a Windows operating system a DLL or Dynamic Link Library must be compiled. Likewise dynamic simulation on a Linux operating system an SO or Shared Object must be compiled. Only a continuous time interface is supported. It is still possible to simulate a discrete time model. As the feedback loops of pitch actuator dynamics work on a very short time-scale, the continuous time interface is recommended for performance reasons. This article specifies the DLL interfaces in detail.

For the DLL interfaces, all pitch variables hold the convention of positive from fine to feather, with pitch angle defined to be zero at fine pitch.

Continuous DLL interface

The pitch actuator dynamics in the DLL are defined in state-space form:

\[ \begin{align} \dot{\bvector{x}} &= \bmatrix{A}\bvector{x} + \bmatrix{B}\bvector{u} \\[1ex] \bvector{y} &= \bmatrix{C}\bvector{x} + \bmatrix{D}\bvector{u}_{in} \\[1ex] \bvector{y}_{out} &= \bmatrix{C}_{out}\bvector{x} + \bmatrix{D}_{out}\bvector{u} \label{eq:LinearModel} \end{align} \]

where \(\bvector{x}\) is a vector of state variables defined in the DLL, \(\bvector{u}\) and \(\bvector{u}_{in}\) are vectors of input variables defined below, \(\bvector{y}\) is a vector of output variables, and \(\bvector{y}_{out}\) is a vector that is written to disk. Matrices \(\bmatrix{A}\), \(\bmatrix{B}\), \(\bmatrix{C}\), \(\bmatrix{D}\), \(\bmatrix{C}_{out}\) and \(\bmatrix{D}_{out}\) represent terms defined in the DLL. These need not be defined explicitly as matrices, and need not be constant: in other words the pitch actuator model may be non-linear and time-varying. Discontinuous changes are allowed. The Bladed integrator will integrate the states \(\bvector{x}\); note however that the number of states defined by the DLL and integrated by Bladed may be zero, in which case the DLL may define internal states and use its own integrator, whether in continuous or discrete time, to integrate any dynamic equations it contains. This is known as co-simulation. It is possible, using co-simulation, to implement a discrete time model using the continuous time DLL interface.

If co-simulation is used it is important to realise that any dynamic coupling to the Bladed equations of motion will be lost, and this should therefore be done only for dynamics which do not couple strongly with the dynamics of the turbine modelled by Bladed. It is also important to realise that the variable time step integrator used by Bladed will make DLL calls at varying intervals of simulated time, and that the integrator trial steps, which result in call types 5 and 6 defined below, may step backwards in time as well as forwards, but will never step backwards further than the last completed integrator step which corresponds to call type 9 defined below. It is also possible to use a combination of Bladed and co-simulation states. Using the terms 'displacement' and 'velocity' as the last word in the state name for physical states that are part of a pair will help in the identification of states for the Campbell diagram.

The DLL may be written in any language which can be compiled to a Windows DLL or Linux SO. The DLL entry point from Bladed is a single procedure called DLL_PITCH (upper case) with eight arguments and an integer return value. Either the __cdecl or the __stdcall calling convention may be used. The procedure definition is as follows:

Return value: 0 means OK, <0 means Abort
Arguments: Data type Array length Description
Arg1 4-byte integer 11 See below
Arg2 8-byte real1 1 Time (s) since start of simulation
Arg3 4-byte integer Arg1(3) See below
Arg4 1-byte char Arg1(4) See below
Arg5 8-byte real1 Arg1(5) See below
Arg6 8-byte real1 Arg1(6) See below
Arg7 8-byte real1 Arg1(7) See below
Arg8 1-byte char Arg1(8) Message returned by DLL

All arguments are passed by reference, so for example Arg1 is a pointer to the start of an array of ten 4-byte integers, Arg2 is a pointer to a single 8-byte real1, and Arg4 is a pointer to an array of one-byte characters, the number of elements in the array being given by the fourth element of Arg1. The other elements of Arg1 are defined as follows:

Elements of Arg1 INTEGER array
1 To DLL DLL interface version number = 4301
2 To DLL Call type: 1 to 9.
3 To DLL NI = Size of Arg3
4 To DLL NC = Size of Arg4
5 To DLL NR1 = Size of Arg5
6 To DLL NR2 = Size of Arg6
7 To DLL NR3 = Size of Arg7
8 To DLL NC1 = Size of Arg8.
9 To DLL Blade number starting from 1. So that blades may be modelled individually. The DLL is called for each blade on every call type.

The procedure is called in different ways by Bladed, depending on the Call Type given by element 2 of Arg1. Please see Table 1 for a list of all call types. Arg2 always contains the time in seconds since the start of the simulation. Arg3 to Arg7 depend on the value of the Call type, Arg1(2), as described below. Any arguments not mentioned are not used in that call, but must still be present.

Table 1 - Definition of the interface call types controlled by Arg1(2)

Arg1(2) Call types
1 Initialisation
2 State definition
3 Output variable
4 Initial conditions
5 State derivatives
6 Variables required
7 Output variables
8 Discontinuity step
9 Completed step

If the return value is returned with a non-zero value an explanatory message (terminated by a null character) should be returned in Arg8.

The number of characters returned in Arg4 and Arg8 must never exceed NC and NC1 respectively.

1 Initialisation

This call initialises the DLL model (using any constants which might come from the Bladed model) and returns the required number of integrator states and output variables.

To read model parameters into the pitch DLL the user can make use of information contained in Arg4 as explained in the table below.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI = 2)
1 From DLL Nx = Number of states to integrate
2 From DLL Nout = Number of variables to output
3 To DLL Input type: 0 = position demand, 1 = rate demand.
4 From DLL Output type: 1 = pitch acceleration (rad/s$^2$) 2 = pitch actuator torque (Nm).
Elements of Arg4 CHAR*1 array (NI = 2)
1 to NC(max) To DLL Name of Parameter File and Verification File, each terminated by a semi-colon (;). If desired the DLL may open and read the Parameter File, which contains any user-defined data. The Verification File must be opened FOR APPENDING ONLY, and can be used to keep a record of the DLL parameters. This will be the $VE file for the simulation, so it is important not to overwrite the data which it already contains. If opened, this file must be closed again before the DLL returns.

2 State definition

This call returns the names and absolute tolerances of the integrator states required by the DLL.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx + 1)
1 To DLL Nx
2 to Nx+1 From DLL Auto-initialisation flag for each state: normally 0, but set to 1 if the state derivative must be zero in the steady state and you wish to include this state in the Bladed initial condition refinement step.
Elements of Arg4 CHAR*1 array (NI \(\geq\) Nx + 1)
1 to NC(max) From DLL "State name:Units2;" for each state
2 to Nx+1 From DLL Auto-initialisation flag for each state: normally 0, but set to 1 if the state derivative must be zero in the steady state and you wish to include this state in the Bladed initial condition refinement step.
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx)
1 to Nx From DLL Absolute tolerances of the integrator states

3 Output variable definition

This call returns the names and units of variables from the DLL to be output in time history output from Bladed (i.e. \(\bvector{y}_{out}\) from the second state-space equation \(\bvector{y}_{out} = \bmatrix{C}_{out} \bvector{x} + \bmatrix{D}_{out} \bvector{u}\)).

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) 1)
1 To DLL Nout
Elements of Arg4 CHAR*1 array
1 to NC(max) From DLL "Variable name:Units2;" for each output variable

4 Initial conditions

This call executes one step of the initial conditions iteration, and also returns the initial values of the states (assuming everything is in the steady state).

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+4)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL NinInit = Number of variables to DLL = 7
3 To DLL NoutInit = Number of variables from DLL = 1
4 To DLL 0 = trial call, 1 = final call
5 to Nx+4 From DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) NinInit)
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s) [^Input]
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) NoutInit)
1 From DLL Pitch output variable according to output type
Elements of Arg7 REAL*8 array (NR3 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx From DLL Initial values of states if Arg3(4) = 1
Nx+1 To Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 10 3

5 State derivatives

This call passes the current DLL state values and any required variables derived from Bladed states to the DLL, which returns the state derivatives (xdot) calculated by the DLL.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+2)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL Nu = Number of input variables to DLL = 7
3 to Nx+2 To DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx To DLL State variables
Nx+1 to Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 10 3
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) Nu)
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s) 4 |
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)
Elements of Arg7 REAL*8 array (NR3 \(\geq\) Nx)
1 to Nx From State derivatives

6 Variables required by Bladed

This call passes the current DLL state values and any required variables derived from Bladed states to the DLL, which returns the values of variables \(\bvector{y} (\bvector{y} = \bmatrix{C} \bvector{x} + \bmatrix{D} \bvector{u}_{in})\) which are required by Bladed.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+3)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL Nin = 7
3 To DLL Ny = Number of variables required = 1
4 to Nx+3 To DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx To DLL State variables
Nx+1 to Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 10 3
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) Nin) |
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s) [^Input]
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)
Elements of Arg7 REAL*8 array (NR3 \(\geq\) Ny)
1 to Nx From DLL Pitch output variable according to output type4

7 Output variables

This call passes the current DLL state values and any required variables derived from Bladed states to the DLL, which returns the values of the output variables \(\bvector{y}_{out}\) which will be presented in the simulation time-history output.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+3)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL Nu = 7
3 To DLL Nout
4 to Nx+3 To DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx To DLL State variables
Nx+1 to Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 10 3
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) Nu)
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s) [^Input]
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)
Elements of Arg7 REAL*8 array (NR3 \(\geq\) Nout)
1 to Nx From DLL Output variables

8 Discontinuity check

This call asks the DLL whether a discontinuity has been passed; if so, the DLL has the option of specifying a particular step reduction. These calls may be ignored by the DLL if it does not model any discontinuities.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+4)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL Nu = 7
3 To DLL 0 means OK, <0 means need to step back
4 to Nx+3 To DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx To DLL State variables
Nx+1 to Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 103
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) Nu)
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s)[^Input]
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)
Elements of Arg7 REAL*8 array (NR3 \(\geq\) 1)
1 to Nx From DLL Suggested time to step back to if Arg3(3) = -2

9 Completed step

This call tells the DLL that the time step is complete, so that a discontinuous change to the dynamics can be implemented if required. These calls may be ignored by the DLL if it does not model any discontinuities.

Elements of Arg3 INTEGER array (NI \(\geq\) Nx+2)
1 To DLL Nx
2 To DLL Nu = 7
3 To DLL Blade failure type: 0 = no failure, 1 = blade is seized, 2 = blade runaway, 3 = blade is free/constrained, 4 = safety system activated5
4 From DLL Output type: 0 = pitch rate, 1 = pitch acceleration, 2 = actuator torque.
5 to Nx+4 To/From DLL 0 = State disabled; 1 = State enabled
Elements of Arg5 REAL*8 array (NR1 \(\geq\) Nx+10)
1 to Nx To/From DLL State variables
Nx+1 to Nx+10 To/From DLL User variables 1 to 103
Elements of Arg6 REAL*8 array (NR2 \(\geq\) Nu)
1 To DLL Pitch position/velocity demand (rad)/(rad/s)[^Input]
2 To DLL Pitch angular displacement (rad)
3 To DLL Pitch angular velocity (rad/s)
4 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_x\) (N)
5 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_y\) (N)
6 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(F_z\) (N)
7 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_x\) (N)
8 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_y\) (N)
9 To DLL Pitch Bearing \(M_z\) (N)
10 To DLL Pitching inertia (kgm$^2$)
11 To DLL Pitching friction (Nm)
12 To DLL Pitching stiction (Nm)

Table 2- DLL responsibility on blade failures

Index Failure Type DLL responsibility
0 No failure DLL has normal responsibilities.
1 Blade seized Inputs to DLL are not modified. DLL is responsible for modelling failure.
2 Blade runaway Input position/rate demand is changed by Bladed.
3 Blade free/ constrained Bladed handles failure. DLL is ignored.
4 Safety system (rate demand) Input position/rate demand is changed by Bladed
5 Safety system (torque) Bladed handles failure. DLL is ignored.

Discrete DLL interface

To implement a discrete time pitch actuator model use the continuous time interface and define internal discrete time states as described below.

Instead of continuous time states, the DLL may define internal discrete time states \(\left( \bvector{x}_{d} \right)\) and pitch actuator or controller dynamics may be represented in discrete time state-space form:

\[ \begin{align} \dot{\bvector{x}}_d(k+1) &= \bmatrix{A}_d\bvector{x}_d(k) + \bmatrix{B}_d\bvector{u}(k) \\[1ex] \bvector{y}(k) &= \bmatrix{C}\bvector{x}_d(k) + \bmatrix{D}\bvector{u}(k) \\[1ex] \end{align} \]

where \(k\) is the sample instance count, \(\bmatrix{A}_d\) is the discrete time state matrix and \(\bmatrix{B}_d\) is the discrete time input matrix.

The output and feedforward matrices (\(\bmatrix{C}\) and \(\bmatrix{D}\)) are identical to the corresponding continuous time matrices.

The new discrete state values \(\left( \bvector{x}_{d}(k + 1) \right)\) may be updated during the Completed step call (call type 9) at simulation time \(kT_s\), where \(T_s\) is the sample period. Thus, a discrete time dynamic model can be implemented using the same DLL interface as a continuous time model. It is also posssible to implement both continuous and discrete time models in the same DLL.

The pitch actuator DLL should check during a Completed step call for simulation time equal to a sample instance (\(kT_s\)) before updating any discrete states. If a Bladed fixed step integrator is used then, to ensure that a Completed step call will occur at a sample instance, the pitch actuator model sample period (\(T_s\)) should be a multiple of the Bladed integrator time step. If the Bladed variable time step integrator is used, then simulation time at the end of a time step may exceed the discrete tiime model sample time \(kT_s\). In this case, the DLL should request Bladed to re-step back to \(kT_s\) during the Discontinuity check call (call type 8).

Last updated 07-10-2024

  1. Double precision floating point number

  2. Units are defined as for external controller output variable. See A.5 Sending logging output to

  3. May be used to share information between user-defined DLLs for different turbine components

  4. Depending on whether control system implements a position or rate demand

  5. Refer to table below about DLL actions for different failures Table 2