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Aerodynamics Introduction

The user has two options to simulate aerodynamic loading on the turbine rotor:

  1. Blade Element Momentum (BEM) method: This option requires the use of several engineering correction models to give accurate results and is a computationally efficient method for computing aerodynamic loads. The BEM option can be used to run dynamic, linearisation and steady simulations.
  2. Lifting Line Free Vortex Wake method: This option is considered more accurate than BEM but is more computationally demanding. The usage of the vortex wake aerodynamic model is restricted to dynamic simulations.

Both approaches rely on discretising the blade into a series of blade elements. The aerodynamic performance and loading are computed at the discrete locations and then the load is applied to the structural model. The blade elements are located and defined using the blade stations data defined as part the blade definition.

When running a simulation, the calculated aerodynamic performance and loading at the stations can be written to the aerodynamic information output group. To define this output, select Calculation Outputs and then specify the output of Aerodynamic information on the first or all blades. The user can control the stations along the blade where aerodynamic information will be output.

Last updated 16-12-2024