Blade Root and Neutral Axes Systems
In Bladed, the blade sections are defined as a finite series of 2D sections along the blade's span, using the neutral axes system relative to the blade root axes system.
Origin of Blade Root Axes System
The root axes coordinate system is a body-fixed coordinate system, which coincides with the blade root centre.
The orientation of the blade root is influenced by properties inboard and outboard of the pitch bearing, as illustrated in Figure 2 and summarised in the table below.
These properties determine the blade's mounting angles relative to the pitch axis.
If no mounting sweep or cone angles are applied, the Blade root Z-axis
aligns with the pitch axis.
Non-zero angles for either Blade mounting cone angle
or Blade mounting sweep angle
create an orientation difference between the pitch and blade root Z-axis, as seen in Figure 2.
All subsequent blade properties are defined relative to the Blade root Z-axis
Property | Location | Unit | Description |
Cone angle |
Inboard of pitch bearing | \(\bunit{deg}\) | A positive angle cones the tip away from the nacelle. Defined in Rotor screen. |
Blade mounting cone angle |
Outboard of pitch bearing | \(\bunit{deg}\) | A positive angle cones the tip away from the nacelle. Defined in Blades screen. |
Blade mounting sweep angle |
Outboard of pitch bearing | \(\bunit{deg}\) | Indicates how much the blade tip is swept back from the pitch axis, away from the rotation direction. Defined in Blades screen. |
Blade Neutral Axes System
The neutral axis passes through the elastic centre of each blade section.
Required inputs can be found in the Blades
screen under the Blade Geometry
and Mass and Stiffness
The neutral axis is also commonly known as the principal elastic axis, bending axis, or simply the elastic axis.
The origin of the neutral axes system is defined using the following variables:
Neutral axis (x)
Neutral axis (y)
Distance along blade
orDistance along blade root Z-axis
(See Distance Along Blade)
All structural properties for the section, such as stiffness and mass, are then defined in specific blade section coordinate systems. The blade root and neutral axes system for a blade is showed in the figures below:
Distance Along Blade
Only one of the variables, Distance along blade
or Distance along blade root Z-axis
, is needed to define the position of the neutral z-axis; the other is calculated automatically.
Distance along blade root Z-axis
refers to the position of the blade station along the blade root Z-axis.Distance along blade
is the cumulative distance from the blade root to the current blade station, along the blade neutral axis, which does not have to be a straight line. It must be zero for the first station.
Where \(\mathrm{\Delta} d_{i, j}\) is the distance between two section origins:
Distance along blade
definitionLast updated 13-12-2024