The user can include the influence of ailerons in a Bladed simulation. An aileron is a section of blade that is typically outboard of the blade that can be pitched. An aileron is denoted as being a succession of Moving
sections between one or more “Fixed” sections. It is not possible to have two adjacent ailerons.
To use the Aileron functionality a user must:
- Define suitable Aerofoil Datasets to describe the affect of ailerons when they pitch.
- Define Aileron sections as part of the Blade inputs.
- Define the Pitch Response of the Aileron in Project Info.
- Use the Controller to specify changes in Aileron Deployment Angle.
Defining Aileron Sections
An aileron section should be defined for every blade station which is
defined as Moving
(see MissingReference Blade geometry). Assuming Ailerons
specified for the aerodynamic control surfaces. Flaps and
air brakes can be treated as if they are ailerons.
For any parts of the blade which have flaps, ailerons, air brakes or other aerodynamic control surfaces which alter the aerodynamic profile of the blade section. Separate aerofoil datasets may be provided for a number of different deployment angles of the control surface. Interpolation between these datasets will be used to give aerodynamic coefficients appropriate based on the deployment angle at any point in the calculation. Linear interpolation is applied and nearest neighbour values are used if the range of deployment angles and angles of attack are exceeded.
Aileron sections allow interpolation between a set of Aerofoil Datasets defined for different aileron deployment angles.
A number of different aileron sections may be defined if required, for use at different blade stations.
Editing Aileron Sections
On the Blade properties
window, click on the foil section to be
defined. A drop-down list allows an already-defined section to be
selected, or select Define\...
to open the Define Aerofoil Sections
window. This allows the characteristics of already-defined
sections to be viewed or edited, or new ones created by clicking
To view or edit an existing aerofoil section navigate to the Define Aerofoil Sections
window and select the section
number required.
To set up a new aerofoil section navigate to Define Aerofoil Sections
window and press New
start a new foil section.
To edit an Aerofoil section click Add
or Insert
to increase the number of Aerofoil Datasets to interpolate between. Click Delete
to remove
one. Double-click on any entry to open the Aerofoil Dataset Selection
window. This presents a list of all suitable datasets from
the database (they must be in ascending order of deployment angle). If
desired, the selection criteria may be modified to further restrict the
list displayed. Select a dataset from the list and click OK
No entries may be left blank.
To remove an aerofoil section:
There is no need to delete an aerofoil section if it is no longer
needed at any blade station. The sections which are still in use will be
renumbered when the Blade Properties
window is closed, starting
from 1. The aerofoil datasets themselves of course remain in the
Aileron Pitch System
Project Info can be used to provide additional information about the ailerons. This defines the response to pitch angle demands from the Controller.
PitchAndAileron 1 * 1 means whole blade pitches according to pitch
demand, and ailerons move additionally according to aileron angle demand
Angle 0 *Initial or steady state aileron angle (rad) (default = 0)
AileronActuator 1 *Default 0 for instantaneous response, *Only if AileronActuator=1, we then need the transfer function for the
aileron response:
*Example for first-order response, time constant 0.1s:
Aileron_NUMORD 0 * order of transfer function numerator
Aileron_NUM 1 * numerator values of transfer function
Aileron_DENORD 1 * order of transfer function denominator
Aileron_DEN 0.01 1 * denominator values of transfer function
Controller Functions to Change Aileron Deployment Angle
The rotor dynamics can be controlled by changing the aileron deployment angle. The calculation will then interpolate between the aerofoil datasets within an Aileron section. A user can make use of "SetDemandedAileronAngle" or "SetDemandedAileronAngleOnHubN" in the Controller API. The equivalent accessors in the Swap Array Controller can be identified.
Last updated 15-11-2024