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For simulations of start-up, click the Start button on the Control System screen and specify the following parameters:

  • Initial rotor speed: the rotor speed at the start of the simulation.

  • Initial pitch angle: the pitch angle at the start of the simulation.

The built-in start-up logic may be used, in which case the following parameters should be entered to define the sequence of events:

  • Initial pitch rate during startup: the constant pitch rate which will be used during the start-up sequence.

  • Generator speed at which generator is put on line: As soon as the generator speed reaches this value, the generator is connected to the grid and the power production control starts to act. However any pitch angle demanded by the controller will be ignored until the initial pitch ramp is complete, as defined by:

  • Final pitch angle in start-up mode: The Initial pitch rate during start-up continues to act until this pitch angle is reached, at which point any pitch angle demanded by the power production controller starts to be used.

Alternatively, click Defined by external controller to use a user-defined controller to define the startup logic.

  1. The sign of the Initial pitch rate must be consistent with the initial and final pitch angles: if the final pitch angle is less than the initial pitch angle, the pitch rate must be negative, and vice versa.
  2. Pitch angles and rates apply also to aileron/flap/airbrake deployment angles. They are ignored if the rotor has no aerodynamic control surfaces.

Last updated 15-11-2024