Steady Parked Loads
This calculation generates wind turbine loads for a parked rotor in steady wind.
Use the Steady parked loads
screen to define the following parameters for the calculation:
Steady wind speed
: Note that although the wind speed is steady, it need not be spatially uniform.Azimuth angle
: The rotor azimuth position. Zero means that blade 1 is pointing vertically upwards.Yaw angle
: The nacelle angle measured clockwise from North, assuming that the wind is blowing from the North: see wind direction.Wind inclination
: For non-horizontal wind flows (for example on the side of a hill). A positive value indicates a rising wind.Pitch angle
: The pitch angle or aileron/flap/airbrake deployment angle see the rotor inputs.
The calculation also allows a sweep through any one of the four above angles: azimuth, yaw, wind inclination or pitch angle. Use Parameter to vary
to define which angle will vary. The sweep starts from the value specified above for that parameter. Specify End value
to define the end of the sweep, and Step
to define the step size.
Last updated 29-08-2024