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Single Point Wind History

Use this option to specify the wind conditions for a simulation when an arbitrary time-varying wind speed and/or direction is required, but no spatial variation is required other than the steady-state characteristics defined by wind shear, tower shadow and an upturbine wake.

Please see the following article for details of the single wind speed calculation option.

To enable this option click the Wind icon on the toolbar, select Time varying wind, and choose the Single point history option.

Enter the following parameters:

  • Height to which speeds relate: the reference height to which the wind speed time history applies, unless Refer wind speed to hub height has been selected. If wind shear is defined, the wind speed at any other height will be different.

  • Flow inclination: for non-horizontal wind flows (for example on the side of a hill). A positive value indicates a rising wind.

Then use the Add button to add points to the time history. For each point, enter

  • Time: this should start from zero.

  • Speed: the wind speed at that time.

  • Wind direction: measured clockwise from North (see wind direction).

Last updated 30-08-2024