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Start Time of Turbulent Inflow File

This article explains the start time to read from the turbulent inflow file used in [time-domain] calculations. This option can be activated in Start time for turbulent wind under Calculation Parameters \(\rightarrow\) Simulation Control. This option is useful if users want to simulate the turbulence from a specific instance of the time series. Note that by default turbulent wind time shift is included in the calculations. However, it is also possible to start the turbulence wind at a specific time instance by disregarding the turbulent wind time shift, see the approach to disregrad turbulent wind time shift. A brief overview of the mechanism for manipulating the turbulent wind file start time is given in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Illustration of the start time definition of the turbulent wind in Bladed time domain calculations including turbulence wrapping. (a) A case where Start time for turbulent wind is set to zero and (b) mechanism for applying Start time for turbulent wind. Note that the turbulent wind file box graph might be further shifted slightly to the left due to turbulent wind time shift.

Last updated 29-08-2024