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Allowing Turbulence to Wrap Around

It is possible to allow the turbulent flow data to wrap around during Bladed calculations by enabling Allow turbulence file to wrap around in setting up the turbulent flow data for time domain calculations. The turbulence wrap allows the turbulent field data to be recycled during Bladed time domain simulations. This option is useful when simulation length is longer than the duration of the turbulent wind file itself. An illustration of the wrapping mechanism is given in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Illustration of turbulent wind wrapping in Bladed time domain calculations. (a) A case where Bladed time domain simulation is longer than the turbulent wind file duration and (b) mechanism for applying turbulence wrapping. Note that the turbulent wind file box graph might be shifted slightly to the left due to the start time of the turbulent wind file and turbulent time shift.

Last updated 29-08-2024