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Annual Energy Yield

This calculation generates the annual energy yield of a turbine from either a steady power curve, a dynamic power curve as output by a previous Annual Energy Yield calculation or a series of power production simulations, as a function of annual mean wind speed. The wind distribution could be defined either as a Weibull, Rayleigh, or a user defined distribution of wind speeds. The wind and wave scatter diagram option could also be used to define the distribution.

Click the Select... button to select channels to define the power curve to be used. Then enter the following data:

  • Minimum wind speed: The cut-in wind speed for the turbine

  • Maximum wind speed: The cut-out wind speed for the turbine

  • Turbine availability: The average availability, assumed to be uncorrelated with wind speed.

Define the wind distribution by clicking the Define button. If desired, select the option to scale the wind speed distribution by a series of factors; the energy yield will then be calculated as a function of annual mean wind speed while retaining the shape of the wind speed distribution. Energy yield will be calculated for each mean wind speed in this range defined by:

  • Starting annual mean wind speed,
  • End annual mean wind speed, and
  • Annual mean wind speed step.

Last updated 05-08-2024