Wind shear analysis
Our wind shear analysis tools allow you to calculate a shear model for a measurement site based on time series inputs at multiple heights, then extrapolate wind speed time series to turbine hub heights using this model.
Wind speed extrapolation using a shear model
The extrapolation of a single time series record from one height to another (e.g. mast to hub) is either performed using either the power law or log law:
Log law extrapolation
A surface roughness length z0 is defines the log law shear model. The speed-up factor between mast height and hub height is calculated as follows:
$$\frac{ U_{hub} }{ U_{mast} } = \frac{ \ln{ \left( \frac{z_{hub} - d}{z_{0}} \right) }}{\ln{ \left( \frac{z_{mast} - d}{z_{0}} \right)}}$$
Power law extrapolation
The power exponent, alpha, is the input parameter. The speed-up factor between mast height and hub height is calculated as follows:
$$\frac{U_{hub}}{U_{mast}} = \left(\frac{z_{hub} - d}{z_{mast} - d}\right)^{\alpha}$$
Fitting the shear model to data
The shear model parameters are calculated from wind speed measurements at multiple heights, using a least-squares fitting method.
When using the power law model, the shear parameter α is calculated from:
$$\alpha = \frac{N\sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)\ln\left( u_{i} \right)} - \sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)\sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( u_{i} \right)}}}{N\sum_{i}^{}\left( \ln\left( z_{i} - d \right) \right)^{2} - \left( \sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)} \right)^{2}}$$
zi – measurement height i in m
d – displacement height in m
ui – wind speed at height i in m/s
N – number of measurement heights
When using the log law model, the shear parameter z0 is calculated from:
$$\mathrm{\textrm{slope}} = \ \frac{N\sum_{i}^{}{u_{i}*ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)} - \ \sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)\sum_{i}^{}u_{i}}}{N\sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)} - \sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)\sum_{i}^{}u_{i}}}$$
$$\mathrm{\textrm{offset}} = \frac{1}{N}\ \left( \sum_{i}^{}u_{i} - slope*\sum_{i}^{}{\ln\left( z_{i} - d \right)} \right)$$
$$z_{0} = exp\left( - \frac{\mathrm{\textrm{offset}}}{\mathrm{\textrm{slope}}} \right)$$