Trouble shooting
Some common errors and solutions you can try are provided below. If you need further support please contact us to report your problem and get assistance.
Time series error codes
Occasionally when using tools that manipulate time series in the Wind chapter, or MeasurementCampaign scripting commands, you may receive an Error N, where N is a number.
The table below provides details about these low-level errors, and some suggested trouble shooting steps.
Time series errors may be reported in the log, or a message box. Expand the log to see more details. See Contact Us - log files for how to find old logs.
Error number | Time series error type | Possible suggested action |
Error 3 | Measurement Type Incorrect | The method was expecting a different measurement type. Check and adjust measurement types if necessary in Wind > Measurements configuration. |
Error 4 | Signal Type Incorrect | The method was expecting a different signal type. You must re-load the time series to change the signal type if it was wrongly assigned on import. |
Error 5 | Type Incorrect | Check the data input types. |
Error 6 | Averaging Periods Inconsistent | Certain methods, e.g. Correlate, only work if the input time series have the same averaging period. You may resample the time series before using the method in a script. |
Error 7 | Cannot Create Time series | |
Error 8 | Invalid File Name | |
Error 9 | Empty time series | The time series with all exclusions and pre-calibration cut-offs applied is empty. Check min and max uncalibrated value for the measurement in the measurements table in Wind > Measurements Configuration. |
Error 10 | Cut time series - Bad Start and End Dates | Check your start and end dates into the CutSeries method. |
Error 11 | Cut time series - Dates Out Of Range of input series | Check your start and end dates into the CutSeries method. |
Error 12 | Invalid Interval | |
Error 13 | Resample StdDev Without Mean | |
Error 14 | Resample Direction Non Mean | |
Error 15 | Padding Invalid Range | |
Error 16 | Directionally Splice Overlapping | The DirectionalSplice method inputs are such that the exclusion zones for the two input wind speed measurements overlap. This method is used in parallel measurement combination. |
Error 17 | Too Few Correlation Points to correlate | |
Error 18 | Directionally Splice Used Twice | |
Error 19 | File Not Found | |
Error 20 | Sensor Type Invalid | |
Error 21 | Signal Type Invalid | |
Error 22 | Data Column Out Of Range | |
Error 23 | Time Stamp Invalid | |
Error 24 | Data Invalid | |
Error 25 | File Time Stamps Not Continuous | |
Error 26 | File Does Not Contain Time Stamp | |
Error 27 | File Does Not Contain Data | |
Error 28 | Missing Calibrations | To remove gaps in calibration coverage consider merging all calibrations for the sensor in the table in the Wind > Calibrations task. You may re-split calibrations after this step. |
Error 29 | Zero Slope Calibration | Calibrations must have a non-zero slope. |
Error 30 | Overlapping Calibrations | Ovelerlapping calibrations should not occur, but if they do try merging all calibrations for the sensor in the table in the Wind > Calibrations task. You can then re-split calibrations as desired after this step. |
Error 31 | Invalid Calibration | Check your calibrations and fix any issues. |
Error 32 | Cannot Export STD | |
Error 33 | Cannot Rotate STD | Direction standard deviation signals cannot be rotated. |
Error 34 | Non Direction Signal | The method expected a direction signal but was provided with a signal of another type. |
Error 35 | Unable To Open File For Read | |
Error 36 | Attempt Load Invalid Exclusion | |
Error 37 | Unable To Open File For Writing | |
Error 38 | Misaligned Data |