This task allows you to load vector contour or gridded elvation data from a vast variety of formats. If a projection file is associated with the data then reprojection to the workbook projection is automatic.
Import a terrain file | If you have a specific elevation file for your site you can import it here. Use the file type filter in the file picker window to select the appropriate file type from the many different available formats | |
Download terrain | This shows the download wizard where you can download free SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) terrain for the selected area. This is generally lower resolution than bought terrain files for your area, but often sufficient. | |
Convert Gridded Elevations (DTM) to Elevation Contours | Select one gridded elevation file in the table then click to convert the gridded elevations to contours. You may then select the vertical resolution and whether to smooth the contours. If you check disable smoothing the generated contours can be unreasonably large files. | |
Convert Elevation Contours to Gridded Elevations (DTM) | Select one contour file by selecting the row in the table, then click to convert it to gridded elevations. You may then select the horizontal grid resolution (default = 25 m). |
Download 1 arc second SRTM data
The SRTM data provided in WindFarmer: Analyst are currently only at 3 arc second resolution. The following process can be used to aquire higher resolution 1 arc second SRTM data which can then be imported in to WindFarmer: Analyst.
- Go to https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov, create a free account if you don't already have one (required)
- Use the map to locate your region of interest
- Select 'Use Map' in the 'Search Criteria' on the left side
- Go to 'Data Sets' tab and select 'Digital Elevation' -> 'SRTM' -> 'SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global'
- Go to 'Results' and for each tile presented, use 'Download Options' and specify DTED.
- Once .dt2 files are downloaded, import them into WindFarmer: Analyst in Map > Elevations. You will be prompted to specify a workbook projection if you have not already done so (usually UTM with your selected zone and the WGS84 datum).